Style Essentials Editorial Policy (!st Updated & Effective From January 31, 2024)

About Style Essentials

Style Essentials is an online platform and social media presence offering news and information about the Fashion, Décor and lifestyle industry. We provide content covering industry trends, new technologies, innovations, launches, expert views and opinions, tips and guidance and more. This includes news articles, features, discussions, reports, expert opinions, case studies, research analysis, video stories, webinars, and reader-sourced information.

Our Mission

We aim to be a valuable resource for the Lifestyle industry, keeping our readers informed with relevant news and insights. We also advocate for advancements in sustainability and innovation within the sector. Our objective is to provide fair, honest, and balanced coverage while offering insightful perspectives to help industry professionals make informed decisions.

Content Accuracy and Disclaimer

While we strive for accuracy, errors can occur. When this happens, we prioritize swift and thorough corrections. Please note that online stories can change over time to reflect updates in the news cycle.

Our editorial staff determines the inclusion of content based solely on its value and relevance to our audience. We do not alter direct quotes or published content based on advertiser requests. We are not responsible for the accuracy of information or resources provided by external parties. Links are checked regularly, but online content can change, causing links to become invalid.

We also aim to ensure relevant parties have the right to respond to stories that involve them. If you notice an error or require clarification, please contact us at

Expert Contributions and Paid Partnerships

Occasionally, we collaborate with trusted industry sources to publish content, either via paid campaigns or expert opinions. We clearly label different content types. These may include:

  • Bylined articles by contributing authors, clearly identified.
  • Industry articles are labelled as authored by industry sources, market research firms, brands, or data experts. 
  • Expert commentary with the author’s professional credentials included.

Linking Policy

Style Essentials may utilize links to third-party websites when deemed valuable additions to specific stories. This might include linking to credible news sources, reports, or documents that enhance reader understanding.

We may link to brand and retailer websites if relevant to the story, but only for those directly involved in the subject matter. We do not include links at the request of marketing agencies, nor do we publish content solely for link generation.

News Standards and Ethics

Our commitment is to fair and balanced reporting. We aim to support the industry with timely information, data, and inspiring stories. While we present critical news when necessary, we do so in a professional manner, without sensationalization. If you have concerns about our content or reporting practices, please contact us at

Content Usage

To request excerpts from our content or comments from our journalists, please email [].

Additional Notes

  • This policy may be subject to change without notice. The “Last Updated” date at the top indicates any revisions. Your continued use of our platform after policy changes constitutes your acceptance of the updated terms.
  • This website serves informational purposes only. We hold no responsibility for the content and its application. Readers are advised to use their judgment and seek professional advice when necessary.